This research required working through unprocessed collections at Alexandria’s city archives combined with records in the land deed offices in Alexandria and Arlington and Fairfax Counties. 

  • As a result of this preliminary research, we generated lists of possible estates and subdivisions that might have racial restrictions, which were then reviewed one-by-one. 
  • Alexandria’s land deeds are in the process of being digitized, so we had to work with the physical deed books in the courthouse. Both Arlington and Fairfax Counties have digitized their records, which sped up that part of the research process. 
  • This regional map uses current public polygon and address data from the City of Alexandria’s GIS Parcel Viewer.

The nature of this research means that we are never done. No doubt, more racially restrictive covenants exist in the City of Alexandria. We will update this list as new information is discovered.

Subdivisions & Estates

Parcels from the following subdivisions and estates appear on the regional map. 

Adams Estate
Alnor Heights**
Baggett Tract
Beverley Hills
Beverley Park
Beverley Plaza
Braddock Heights
Cameron Park**
Cameron View**
Chapel Hill
College Park
Colonial Park
Colonial Properties Subdivision
Cottage Park*
Davis Place
Dowden Terrace**
DuLaney Tract**
Dunton Property**
Eagle Crest**
East Braddock*

Edward Duncan Land
Emma Hume Land
Fort Ward Heights**
George Washington Park**
Hume Spring*
Hunting Creek
Jefferson Homes
Jefferson Park*
John R. Howard Subdivision
King’s Haven**
Linden Gardens
Malvern Hill
Monticello Park*
Moore-Hill Estates**
Mount Ida*
Mount Vernon*
Mount Vernon Park
Overlook Terrace
Page Property
Patrick Henry Homes
Piney Court**
Ponnet Estate

Robert Moncure
Rose Crest*
Seminary Heights
Seminary Heights**
Shirley Garden**
South Braddock Heights
South View Terrace
Block of Princess, Oronoco, Fayette, & Payne Streets
St. Elmos
Temple Park
Temple Terrace
Timber Branch Park
Veach Tract
Virginia Stonell Selecman
Virginia Village
W. I. Angels West End
Washington Forrest**
Waverly Taylor
West Braddock Heights
Wilmar Park*  
Yates Garden

* Annexed from Arlington County in 1915 or 1930.
** Annexed from Fairfax County in 1915, 1930, or 1952.

© 2025 Documenting Exclusion & Resilience.